Flutter v/s Java

Flutter v/s Java

What is Flutter?


Flutter is a cross-platform software development kit (SDK) for mobile app development that was created by Google. Flutter uses Dart programming language and it is used to create apps for Android and iOS devices. Because it is cross-platform, a single code base can be used to create apps with a native look and feel on both Android and iOS devices. These is the company definition of Flutter. Now i would like to talk about some of my opinion on Flutter First of all we're just talking about android development in particular. So Flutter and Android are like babies of Google by this what i meant was that flutter and android are natively managed by google. And flutter offers some cool widgets and responsiveness to the applications and it has an fast developing environment.

adaptive flutter.png

But there are some cons too like:

It lacks in number of developers. Not everyone knows flutter That was all i know or i can tell about Flutter Development For Android.

What is Java?

Java-Logo.png Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based and object-oriented. The programming language is structured in such a way that developers can write code anywhere and run it anywhere without worrying about the underlying computer architecture. It is also referred to as write once, run anywhere (WORA). This means Java code compiled once can be run on all platforms that run Java Runtime Environment without the need for recompilation. Java has been in the game from start as far as I can tell Java offers strong development environment. Java has strong documentation which does not offers.

download.jpg It gives an safer environment rather than flutter